Inspired by Eric Metronome's 2006 project "52 Covers in 52 Weeks", I'll be attempting to review a CD every day in 2007. Many of the reviews will appear in other 'zines or on other sites. Some reviews may be of albums that aren't so new.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

#7 - Kevin Fderline - Playing with Fire

Kevin Federline - Playing with Fire (Reincarnate Music)
When examining the history of pop culture’s infusion into the music industry, there are plenty of bombs littering the roadside. No matter how hard somebody like Paris Hilton falls when thinking they are a singer, there will always be another C-list celebrity ready to toss his or her hat into the ring. It’s no surprise that Kevin Federline wants to flex his creative (that’s using the term loosely) muscles and prove that he is just as capable of earning a living as his (soon-to-be-ex) wife Britney Spears. K-Fed is so proud of his skills that he spends a good portion of the CD boasting about his rapping talent in addition to dropping mad rhymes about smoking weed, being persecuted by the media, and having big pimp status.

While K-Fed has taken a number of mostly deserving shots in the media for being nothing more than a hanger-on, his rapping isn’t as terrible as one might expect. The simple rhymes may seem a bit juvenile and the beats may sound dated and pedestrian, but the rap world has never been lacking colorful characters with big egos so K-Fed fits in even though he’s a wannabe impostor who married into big money.

If Paris Hilton’s porn movie can be a best seller despite it’s lack of passion or originality, there is no reason K-Fed can’t extend his 15 minutes of fame for just a few minutes more.


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